Friday, 16 December 2011

Losing Fat the Healthy Way

I came across this article while browsing this morning and i thought it could be useful for some of us.......enjoy.

1. Eat more fiber. By consuming at least 30 grams of fiber daily, you will feel fuller than you would by not eating it. Fiber also helps out one’s health by latching on to LDL cholesterol and flushing it out of your system. Some good sources of fiber include vegetables (with the skin), fruits (with the skin), whole-grain breads, and high fiber cereals. One simple thing to boost fiber intake would be to eat an Orange instead of drinking Orange Juice. It has less calories, more fiber and bound to make you feel more satisfied.
2. Eat your complex grains early in the day and then stick with the water rich carbohydrates such as fruit in the evening. This has to do with the way insulin is secreted into the bloodstream. Make some changes. While eating healthy is a good start, you’re never going to reach your full potential for a leaner body unless you get active and start sleeping better. Aim for 7 – 8 hours per night. More or less than that can have negative effects on your health.
3. Stay away from fast food, or at least don’t eat it as often. It is a far healthier option to cook a nice meal at home. Eat your meals slower. It takes about 20 minutes for your body to know when you’re full. If you eat too quickly, you may have eaten too much before your body knows when the limit is reached.
4. Eat some fish. Fish, such as salmon, is rich in Omega-3s, which is an Essential Fatty Acid. This helps keep your heart healthy, and keeps the bad fat out. Fatty fish such as salmon, halibut and shellfish help reduce the size of fat cells and help out with fat loss.
5. Exercise in the mornings before you eat breakfast, if you want to burn fat more effectively. Perhaps go for a mile jog around your neighbourhood, or walk the dog. Doing aerobic (fast-paced) exercises after you’ve been fasting for eight hours will force your body to burn fat instead of glucose for energy.
It may seem difficult, but continuity is what gets you fit and helps you stay fit!

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