Am sure most people all over the globe spend billions on skin-care products every year, and they are still not satisfied with the end results. Beautiful skin comes down to lifestyles, rather than how much you can afford to spend on products. I mean, the things you can do to beautify your skin are remarkably similar to what you can do to strengthen your heart, control you weight and so on. What you can eat to improve your skin tone, texture, evenness and clarity might be different from what you eat to avoid, say heart disease. One quick tip i heard is that, foods and drinks high in alcohol and caffeine dehydrate the skin, therefore increasing the development of wrinkles (I don't know if its true). So lets talk about foods for beautiful skin:
- Firstly, most of us have heard or know that fish can be really good for your overall health, it contains omega-3 fatty acid, zinc. Increasing the intake of omega-3 can reduce skin dryness and inflammation. Many types of fish and shellfish can work wonders for the skin, especially fatty fish like salmon.
- Citrus Fruits, such as orange can also enhance beautiful skin
- Vegetables such as spinach and other green leafy foods helps your skin produce more fresh new cells and get rid of the old ones, therefore reducing dryness.
- Nuts (Vitamin E), especially almonds protects skin from sun damage and tends to help skin hold in moisture.
- Whole grain foods instead of processed carbohydrates can improve your complexion.
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